Chronic Illness

Ultimate Guide: What Does a Chronic Illness Mean? 

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Chronic illnesses are more common than you might realize. Chronic disease affects over 40% of adults in Canada and over 51% of adults in America experience more than one chronic illness.  One in four people will be affected by chronic mental health illnesses.

Even though you may have heard the term chronic illness before, the full extent of what it means may not be obvious.  Chronic illness is not a one-size-fits-all all.  It can affect each person differently and impact their day-to-day life to varying degrees.

Let’s take a closer look at what chronic illness is, and what exactly it means to live with it and manage it for the person affected. 

Chronic Illness Definition 

A chronic illness is an illness that has lasted a year or longer and is not curable at this time.  With treatment, chronic illnesses can be better managed and symptoms can be less, but the disease will remain. 

An acute illness is an illness that will get better after a short period like the flu or a cold.  

Is a Chronic Illness Fatal? 

Some chronic illnesses like heart disease and stroke can be fatal.  However, many chronic illnesses are not fatal.  Some diseases such as HIV used to be fatal, but are now chronic thanks to new developments in medications and science. 

What Causes a Chronic Illness?

There are many causes of chronic illness.  Some common ones include: 

  • Genetics 
  • Smoking
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Physical Inactivity
  • Substance Abuse

Some chronic illnesses still do not have a known or verified cause such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 

Is a Chronic Illness Curable? 

The short answer is no.  Chronic illnesses are not curable at this time.  Some illnesses like cancer can be fought off and temporarily cured, but still need to be constantly monitored, for the risk of it coming back.

Who Can Become Chronically Ill?

In theory, anyone can become chronically ill at any point in their life.  However, some variables can make you more likely to become ill, such as: 

  • Genetics (if a chronic disease has a genetic component and can be passed down)
  • Risk factors like poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, and substance abuse
  • Lack of medical care to diagnose and treat illnesses, especially early on

Is Chronic Illness Only Physical?

No, a chronic illness can affect your mental health as well.  Just like physical illness, chronic mental health conditions can affect anyone and can have risk factors like genetics or stress.  Many mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder and depression have no known cure.

Is the Person Sick All the Time?

It depends.  Chronic illness affects each individual differently.  People with the same chronic illness can have varying severity of symptoms and quality of life.  

Some people with chronic illness have symptoms daily, while others symptoms may be managed with the appropriate treatments and only fall ill during flair-ups (a time period when symptoms reappear or worsen).

Does Chronic Illness Mean Disabled?

This depends from person to person.  Some people can live a relatively normal life with a chronic illness, while others may struggle to do day-to-day tasks.  Some people can work full-time and live independently, while others cannot work and need assistance from others.

Common Chronic Illnesses 

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Chronic kidney disease

Common Stresses of Being Chronically Ill

Unfortunately, there are a lot of things to manage when you are chronically ill.  Commons stresses include: 

  • Living with the physical and mental effects of the illness
  • Dealing with the treatments
  • Continual doctor and specialist appointments 
  • Financial tole of not being able to work, and added cost of treatment and aids
  • Navigating relationships and self-image when ill 
  • Coping with isolation, and griefing past life 

What Can I Do To Help?

Whether you or your loved one is newly chronically ill or has been managing it for some time, there are always things you can do to help:

  • Learn about the condition and how it personally affects the ill person
  • Stay up to date on the latest treatments, and developments of the condition 
  • Find others who can offer support if you are ill, or offer support to someone you know who is chronically ill 

Key Points

  • A chronic illness is an illness with no cure that lasts longer than a year
  • Chronic illness can be fatal, but many conditions are not 
  • Anyone can become chronically ill, but some factors might make you more at risk
  • Chronic illness can affect both your physical and mental health 
  • Not all people with chronic illnesses are disabled, as each condition affects everyone differently 
  • The best thing you can do to help is to stay informed and seek out support 

Shelby Bonner Biography Picture

Shelby Bonner is a graphic designer and writer who has been living invisible chronic illness, and mental health issues since she was a teenager.  She founded Invisible Life to help others like her navigate life and the world with a chronic illness.  Shelby is passionate about spreading awareness about chronic and invisible illness, advocacy for the disabled, and inclusion for everyone in all aspects of life.

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